Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Viewing

So we made it 45min before 9pm... We we're able to see auntie nieves for the last time. Here are some pics from the church and at uncle armonds afterwards.

Friday, January 30, 2009

On the way to Cali

We're on our way to Cali right now and arlene is driving. She wants to get to the church on time before the endf the viewing for auntie nieves so we're flying 100 miles an hour...she doesn't want me to drive cuz she said I drive to slow. I'm scared to death hehehe

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Travel map....

The average human lifespan is around 70 years... since i am now 36 years old, it looks like i have one foot in the grave ... and after the health problems i went through last year, i want to spend the second half of my life traveling, enjoying the world and having fun with my family and friends... i created my little travel map below which i will definitely be adding to more and more every year.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


looking back, 2008 i must say was a bad year... a very bad year..The worst year of my life...i was diagnosed with cancer, my uncle and aunt was also diagnosed with cancer and another aunt suffered a massive stroke. from what i hear, both of my aunts may not make it which is pretty tough. i guess as we get older we're going to have to see and face death more and more. our parents, aunts an uncles are getting older and overall everyone's health is going to get worst. Death is the one thing that everyone will have to face but the hardest thing to talk about. Some will face it sooner than others and all of us will have to mourn the love one's we lose. I hope and pray that i will never have a year as bad as 2008 again....ever

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration day

Today was we were able to see true significant history in the making... i didn't think i would see this happen so early in my life ... The economy is so grim right now.. my company's stock MGM is down to $8.93/share from over $100 just a year before, the housing crisis isn't getting any better and it looks like every fortune 500 company is either laying off people or asking for financial help. I don't know what the future is going to be like but i hope Obama's era will be better. The worlds perception on America is something I'm not proud of... our arrogance is truly annoying. Instead of adapting and enjoying other culture's i see Americana's always critisizing other cultures and often rude to the people in their own country. Anyways, i am a Texan/Nevadan and many people think i should be a Republican just because i came from a certain state. I dont understand how people can just follow one group or the other without knowing why, its just ignorant. Both Democrat's and Republican ideas are good and bad. If everyone was open minded life would be so much easier. Im not a political person and i usually don't vote but this time i voted. The horrible economy directly effected me but what really made me vote was my health. Obama's strong support for science and technology is what made me have full support for him. Support for full stem cell research is something close to me since i'm fighting cancer. Bush's administration put a lot of restrictions on stem cell research and i feel thats 8 years of research down the drain... Just imagine cancer patients being treated without Chemo because we found the source cancerous stem cell... and just imagine a cure for cancer.. something else i will pray will happen in my life. The next four years i'll look back and see if his administration made my life and the world better or worst. That will determine which party i'll vote for next...For now i'm on Obama's bandwagon... A few people are inspiring to me and i admit right now i am very inspired... i pray the future will be bright and prosperous...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bored at work

I'm bored at work so I decided to take pic of my friend Pete... We're both bored actually..

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Facebook addict

This is a facebook addict...24hrs a day
looking at facebook .. That's all she does. Here's what the addict looks like..

-- Post From My iPhone